NCBiotech Company Directory

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Crop Microclimate Management Inc.

Crop Microclimate Management Inc.

Crop Microclimate Management researches and develops technologies to improve crop productivity by mitigating the impact of environmental stresses.

Company Location

P.O. Box 15389


Company Details

Year founded
Employment range in NC
US headquarters
North Carolina
Global headquarters
United States
Primary site activity
Potential end market(s)
Products on market
2nd generation stress amelioration products Screen Duo. Photon has been launched and is commercial in selected markets, including the US and Brazil. Patents issued for Photon technology in the US and several foreign countries.
Products under development
Low rate (gram per acre) abiotic stress management products based upon dicarboxylic acids and nitric oxide modifiers. Patent filed early 2018 on this 4th generation technology.